Our latest single from out upcoming album is available on all streaming platforms!
Our latest single from out upcoming album is available on all streaming platforms!
Check out our latest single wherever you prefer to listen!
We're heading to Shanghai in September to play this great festival!
We've been down in Texas working on our next album! Lot's of new tunes that are coming along great. We're not sure when it will be released, but likely in early 2018. We'll keep you posted.
Catch our song "Light Me Up" in the finale of the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show tonight on CBS. It'll definitely be the sexiest use of our music ever.
Introducing “Live From Brooklyn And Then Some”.......
For many years now, we’ve been traveling around playing countless shows for you guys. Many people have asked why we haven’t released a live album. We never really had a good reason for this. So last December, we decided to give it a go, and recorded our concert at Rough Trade in Brooklyn, NY. We were pleased with the outcome, and chose 5 of our favorites to share with you. Additionally, we’ve added two brand new studio recordings to round out the album.
The unreleased studio tracks, “Still In Motion” and “Where I’m Coming From” were recorded with the rest of the “Light Me Up” album at Sonic Ranch Studios in Tornillo, TX. “Still In Motion” was slated to be the first track on that album until we decided to record some more songs, and take a slightly different direction. It remains one of our favorite songs from those sessions, and we’ve started to feel guilty for not sharing it with our fans.
“Where I’m Coming From” made a somewhat surprise appearance in the Showtime show “Shameless” last March. It ended up being used in a pivotal and emotional scene towards the end of the season. We’ve been lucky to have our music used in many TV shows over the years, but rarely do we know the extent of the song use until it airs. Most people probably don’t realize that our song “Good Company” was also in that episode, but wasn’t nearly as prominent. So we had no idea the power the song would have on the scene. It’s the type of song placement that we could have only hoped for. The next day, we had an overwhelming amount of requests for the song, and honestly, we weren’t prepared for it. So instead of rushing to release it on it’s own, we decided to make it part of a larger body of work.
Hopefully you guys get a chance to pop over to iTunes, Spotify, or whatever your preferred listening method is to hear the album. If you enjoy what you’re hearing, then share it with a friend, write a review, or just blast it at a red light with your windows down. It’s your word-of-mouth that keeps us going.
Thanks for your continued support!
- The BRR guys
Our new live album, which includes 5 live tracks, and 2 unreleased studio tracks, is available for pre-order on iTunes. It comes with an immediate download of the song "Where I'm Coming From" which was featured in a pivotal scene in this past season of "Shameless" on Showtime Networks. It officially drops on June 24, but here's the link to pre-order: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/live-from-brooklyn-then-some/id1121708737
Thanks for helping us hit 8-figures!
We're excited to have our song "Light Me Up" included in the new Showtime series "Roadies." The song is being used in the promotional trailer. Can't wait to see it when it premieres on June 26!
We're home and thrilled to have had a great experience hopping around Europe to play some shows. Thanks to our friends the Dunwells for making it extra special.
Thanks to the Hartford Courant for a great article about our time at SXSW, and our upcoming European Tour!
Tune in to Showtime's original series, Shameless, to hear 2 of our songs in the season 6 premiere. They'll be playing "Before I Get There" and "Say Hello Sometime" from our latest album.